Garibaldi Sep 2,3, and 4, 2022

Garibaldi Sep 2,3, and 4, 2022

Went down to Garibaldi Thursday night, and joined my friend Todd in his 19’ Arima on Friday. We fished several deep reef locations, hoping for a halibut, no such luck. We did get some nice bottom fish, canary, yellowtail rockfish, etc. Todd landed one very big canary. Friday was a fun day exploring some new areas.

Saturday, the non selective coho fishery started, anglers can keep any chinook or coho, as long as the minimum lengths are met. I fished with my friend Jim in his 19’ Arima Saturday. We fished with Spinfish in about 260’ of water off of Twin Rocks. We got our four coho fairly quickly, with plenty of time for Jim to watch the Oregon Ducks game.

Sunday I had my friend Brian, and his son Evan join me. We left the docks about 6:30 a.m. and headed to about 280’ off of Nehalem. Fishing with 3.0 and 4.0 Lemon Head Glo Spinfish, from 15 to 35’ on the line counters. We had fairly consistent action until we had five coho, just one more, the last one took more than an hour, but we did get it. We had dropped four crab pots in about 50’ of water half way to Twin Rocks, we were delighted to have more than 36 keepers in our pots, and released several legal sized crab.

Garibaldi Sep 10th, 11th, 12th

Garibaldi Sep 10th, 11th, 12th

Garibaldi Aug 19,20 and 21, 2022

Garibaldi Aug 19,20 and 21, 2022