Simms Gear ★★★★★

Simms Gear ★★★★★

Spring is coming and that means two things to me, spring Chinook fishing is close, and there will be several days spent on the water that are very wet, cold, and uncomfortable for many anglers, especially when spending it sitting in an aluminum boat.

Over the years, I have purchased all kinds of clothing to try and keep comfortable/warm this time of year.  Usually I looked for “clearance” deals and purchased off name brands that I thought would work. For years, I was wet, cold, and somewhat miserable most days. I now have a closet full of outerwear that I do not wear at all. 

The best decision I made, and I wish I had made sooner, was to spend the money on some of the best outerwear for sale.  I purchased three Simms items, the G3 Guide Tactical Jacket, $499.95, the Simms Challenger Bib, $199.95, and a Simms Fall Run Jacket, $189.95.  Total of $889.85.  Yes, a lot of money, but well worth the investment.  Goodwill will be very happy when I donate all the “good deals” on clothing I have purchased over the years, the total purchases which I am sure far exceed $889.85.  Being comfortable in any conditions is well worth the investment and makes every day comfortable on the water, regardless of weather. Simms Fishing Gear.

The Guide's Forecast ★★★★★

Gamakatsu Hooks ★★★★☆