Trailer Valet ★★★★★

Trailer Valet ★★★★★

trailer valet pic on boat trailer.jpg

There is an attachment available, for use with a drill, I have not purchased this yet, but plan to do so in the near future, and will post results when I have used it.  


Fall 2014 When I was looking to buy a new fishing boat, the agreement with my wife was that whatever boat I purchased “must be able to fit in the garage”. I eventually decided on a 20’ 7” 2014 Weldcraft Angler that does fit in the garage (thank goodness) but just barely. I have to back it in at a slight angle and only have about 2” to spare on either side of the stern. Let’s just say it takes finesse to get the boat in. Before purchasing the Trailer Valet I would have to push the bow to the  left, to the right, and back to get my new boat  to fit into garage. However, it’s easy with the Trailer Valet!

I would highly recommend this product to those boaters and all others maneuvering their trailers in tight spaces.  It is easy to use, and if you let go of the handle, a brake is automatically applied, stopping all movement.

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